Monday, April 1, 2013

Resuming Service

After some ten months off, I am resuming work on this blog.  As many of you know, two days before I posted my "Another Review", I was accepted into Organizing for America's Summer Organizer program, and by June 1st I was sitting in a union hall in Las Vegas receiving my first training about how to organize for President Obama.  Let me tell you, there was barely enough time to sleep, much less blog, while I was out west.  By the time I was back in Chicago after the campaign, I was exhausted.  But worse, I had gotten out of the habit of writing.

Even now, months after my return, it is a struggle to work on the various writing tasks I've set myself.  In an effort to make writing part of my daily routine once more, I am returning to my long forgotten blog.

As it was before my departure to the desert, this blog will be about pretty much whatever is going on in my life that I feel like sharing with a few dozen people.  Right off the bat we'll be starting a couple of review series, one for Doctor Who, and the other for Game of Thrones, both of which had season premieres over the weekend.  I'll likely also discuss some of the games I've been playing of late, especially Lords of Waterdeep, a 2012 board game that I picked up a week ago and have managed to play seven times since then.  (That's a lot.)

I will probably throw in the occasional bits of life news, political and religious opinions, and what not, but not very much of that.  This blog's purpose is to get me back in the habit of writing, and it's easier to write about light and fun things than weighty matters that require deep thought and firm convictions.  Once I'm back to writing each and every day, that may change.  But for now, I'm trying to ease back into it, and that means having some fun.

The plan is to do one blog post about something each and every weekday.  I haven't decided about the weekends yet.  On one hand, my weekends tend to be pretty busy, and it can be difficult to find a couple of hours to do a decent post.  On the other hand, any break from regular writing, even of just a couple of days, makes it that much harder to get going again come Monday.  We'll see how it goes.  Regardless, you should expect at least one post a day on the weekdays, starting today.  Come back later today for my thoughts on Doctor Who's season 7.5 premiere, "The Bells of Saint John."

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