Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaNoWriMo '11, Day 8

After several days of horrible procrastination, I managed to make it to another write-in group.  This one, at the Niles Public Library, had a very different feel than the Oakton group I was in last week (and will be again tomorrow and Thursday).  This group was exclusively female (except for me) and had a number of Twilight and Eragon fans in it.  While I abhor both series for their literary failures, the fact that they inspired a number of young people into trying to write novels is commendable.

Still, I won't mind getting back to a group that's more my speed, including at least one other writer who's doing her work based on a RPG scenario she created the way I am with mine.

I press on!

NaNoWriMo Day 8
Word Count: 5172 / 10.3%

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