Sunday, September 25, 2011

Write Everyday Project #3, Pathfinder

So I played what I think is my third ever game of Pathfinder yesterday.  It went well, and though I never played all that much 3.5 upon which Pathfinder is based, I'm stating to think I'd like to play in a Pathfinder campaign.

Here's the thing.  Fourth Edition D&D is a great tactical game, which emphasizes what you can do in any given battle.  It's perfect for one shots or a series of tactical encounters like D&D Lair Assault or, well, Encounters.  Pathfinder, drawing its influence from traditional D&D, is a better strategic game, which rewards long term planning and preparation.  That makes it better, I think, for long term campaigns.

Of course, I'm running no less than two long term 4E campaigns and have played in three Pathfinder one shots.

I seem to be doing things wrong.

Before I run a Pathfinder campaign, I think I'd prefer to play in one first.  Our Encounters group is thinking of quitting Encounters at the end of the current season in favor of either an ongoing 4E game or Pathfinder one.  I'm hoping I can convince them to go to the latter.  Ace, the DM of last night's Pathfinder game, said he might be able to run a Pathfinder game for us, but that wouldn't be before December at the earliest.


Well, that is the bane of the adult gamer.  Finding time to play gets harder as people have more and more work and family commitments.  Somehow, we'll just have to make it work.

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