Thursday, September 29, 2011

Write Everyday Project #7, The Old Republic

In all the excitement over the Bears and the Sox and the Pathfinder game I played in, I seem to have forgotten to mention here the big news about The Old Republic.  

For those of you unaware, The Old Republic is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, or MMORPG for short , or MMO for very short.  The industry leader in the field of MMO is the ubiquitous World of Warcraft, a game that I've played for years and finally gave up on back in March.  Unlike World of Warcraft, The Old Republic is a Star Wars based game.  Perhaps more importantly, it's a Bioware Star Wars game, set in the same general era as their great Knights of the Old Republic games, which I've really enjoyed in the past.

The combination of Bioware, one of my favoirte companies, with Star Wars, a franchise that shaped my childhood, with a game format that I've played for years, and The Old Republic pretty much hits me where I live.  If it had some kind of turn based strategy element, I'd be totally hosed.  So, ever since autumn of 2009 when they announced the damn game, I've bee waiting to play it.  Finally, there's a release date: December 20, 2011.

I'm a little surprised that they're going so close to Christmas, since the traditional "Christmas release" for a game is late November/early December, but I'll take it.  I also don't think it's at all coincidental that The Old Republic finally got around to announcing their release date after Blizzard confirmed that Diablo III was being pushed back to 2012.  Nor was it sheer chance that Bioware themselves pushed Mass Effect III back to March from December.

Nevertheless, I'm happy to have a chance to finally play the damn game.  A few of us have a Friends & Family Guild in the works for TOR (Republic, RPG Server) so things are looking up from a Star Wars MMO standpoint, if not a productivity one.

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