Monday, September 26, 2011

Write Everyday Project #4, The Bears Still Suck

Pursuant to the "write whatever's on your mind as long as you do it every damn day" credo for the WEP, some thoughts on the plight of the Chicago Bears in the 2011 NFL season.

The Bears still suck.

The offensive line did better and kept Cutler from being sacked until well into the second quarter.  And he was only sacked three times which is a nice improvement over the six times he got creamed against the Saints.  But seriously, nine rushing attempts for two yards?  TWO?  When you get one dimensional like that the defense only needs to protect the pass, and guess what?  That makes it a lot harder to get any yards through the air.

This also makes the second game in a row the Bears' defense fell asleep at the wheel.  30 points against New Orleans and 27 against Green Bay isn't going to cut it, especially with a one dimensional offense!  There were too many big plays made against the Bears, who are a defense designed to stop big plays!  If you can't stop that, what can you stop?  Not much, apparently.

Even special teams, normally a Bears strength, suffered.  The Bears pulled out one of the best special teams plays ever...only to have it called back by a holding penalty.

Nothing was working for the Bears yesterday, and now they find themselves in third place and two games back only three weeks into the season.  Now to be sure, last year things seemed to be going equally poorly early on in the season and the Bears ended up winning the division and making it to the NFC Championship game.  So there's still time to right the ship.

But the Packers aren't weighed down by injury this year and the new Detroit Lions are playing better than they have in decades, so it'll be a tougher road to the playoffs for the Bears in 2011.  Are they up to it?

Initial signs say no.

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