Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Working for Yahoo, Part VIII

So doing a short story for Yahoo was a terrible idea.  With the deadline looming, I slapped together what I had and put it up.  I'm not the slightest bit happy with it, and don't plan to link to it even though the damn thing got published immediately.  Fortunately, since it was an assignment, it ended up being in the "Display Only" category, which means I can take it down or edit it whenever I like.  I'll likely try and fix it through editing, but since I blew a whole week working on what turned out to be drek, that'll have to wait until I get more paying articles up.

As the deadline neared, I tried to cancel out of the assignment only to be warned that doing so near the deadline (which I most certainly was) would endanger my ability to receive other assignments.  So I swallowed my pride and dumped it up.  It does suggest, however, that Yahoo definitely has a Quantity over Quality point of view towards what it publishes.  It doesn't matter if it sucks...just get it up there.  I did cancel out of a similar Science Fiction short story assignment that had 15 days left on it.  I'm not getting shoved up against a wall like that again.  

However, since I have no intention of linking to the story here or anywhere else, it will make a good test case to see how many clicks something that has no author advertisement at all can garner.  Right now, it has 0 clicks.  I wonder if it'll get any at all?

In more positive news, the article I wrote about the slow speed RTS Lord of Ultima finally got published.  Have a look at it here.  I do wonder what took them so long, since I wrote it almost two weeks ago.  

I also got my second article about Civil War battlefields submitted.  It should be published late this week or early next week if Yahoo works as fast as it did on my first article in the series.

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