Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Working for Yahoo, Part X

So a couple of days ago, I had two more articles posted by Yahoo.  They were more of my Civil War series, talking about the Battle of Pea Ridge, and the Siege of Vicksburg.  The thing of it is, they actually got posted on Saturday the 21st, while I didn't Tweet or Facebook about them until Monday the 23rd.  In the interim, I let them both go unannounced over the weekend to see what happens.  Also, I figured I'd get a bigger bump by mentioning them on a Monday, instead of a Saturday.

And a funny thing happened.  The Pea Ridge article did nothing at all.  Indeed, it only got 6 hits in total on Monday when it got a little publicity from me, and nothing since.  The Vicksburg piece, on the other hand, has been averaging 9 hits a day, with or without my pumping it up.  Vicksburg, of course, was a crucial battle in the Civil War, and is much more likely to be known by people than the relatively small battle that was Pea Ridge, so those numbers make a certain amount of sense.

So, once I saw how those numbers were going, I did the obvious.  I wrote up a similar article on Gettysburg, as a start to be "Travelleing the EASTERN Battlefields" series.  If a moderately well known battle can draw in much better hits/day than anything else I've done, how about the most famous battle of the war?

I also finished off the Western Battlefields set, so I've got nine Civil War articles in the queue awaiting approval.  A couple of those, like Chikamauga and Shiloh are of big and reasonably well known battles.  Others, like Stones River and Brice's Crossroads, not so much.  But I am very interested to know how well they'll all do, and whether the success of Vicksburg is an aberration, or if the bigger battles lead to more hits.

And, just to keep things fresh, I've also got a review of a little play I saw on Friday and some commentary about last night's Bulls game.  This last one could go either way.  Its a time sensetive piece, in that it won't make any sense if it goes up after the Bulls play Game 5 on Thursday.  But if they do accept it quickly, it may be able to get me a ton of hits quickly. 

We'll see.

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