Monday, December 19, 2011

Old Republic Log IV

So I played a little on Friday, not at all on Saturday, and then almost all of Sunday as I watched bad football (the Bears,) more bad football (the Broncos,) and good cooking (Next Iron Chef finale.)   Let's hear it for a decent laptop!

My progress for the weekend amounted to four levels, taking Tasia from level 12 to level 16.  In that time I've gotten to the endgame for the Dromund Kaas storylines.  Once I complete the final zone, I'll probably be getting my ship and heading off world.  With luck, I'll also pick up a second companion.  The one I've got is nice, but every time I send him on a mission to pick something up for me, I have to quit questing, since I need my tank.

I've spec'ed Tasia as a Healer.  My current battle tactic is to send my companion into the fray, hit him with a Static Shield which absorbs "a high amount of damage," then give one to myself, then Force Lightning various targets while he goes around hacking people up and drawing most of the fire.  Occasionally, I'll hit him with a Dark Infusion to keep his hit points up, or if there's a lot of them, run into the middle of the group and blast everyone with an Overload.  Works pretty much every time.

I've experimented more with the crafting system.  Initially, you can make Green items.  Once you make them, or buy them from other players through the Galactic Exchange (Auction House,) you can Reverse Engineer them and get half the materials back.  After a few attempts using Reverse Engineering on your Greens, you learn how to make Blue versions of the same item.  Once you Reverse Engineer some of those, you learn how to make Purple versions.  The Gathering skills, like Archaeology, get you the basic raw materials for your Crafting...everything you'll need to make the Green versions of things.  The Mission skills, like Treasure Hunting, get you the advanced materials that you need to make the Blue and Purple versions.  The Mission skill can also get you flat-out loot in the form of lockboxes that have credits or gear in them!

Each of the various skills synergize with other ones.  So in my case, Tasia has Artifice as her Craft (Lightsaber creation and modification,) Archaeology as her Gather (Power and Color Crystals for Lightsabers,) and Treasure Hunting (Gems for Lightsabers and other loot) as her Mission.  You can only have one Crafting skill, and only three skills total, but in theory you could have nothing but Mission skills if all you want to do is bob for loot.  Just be warned that it can get expensive.  Sending your companions out to Gather or on Missions costs credits every time.  The cheapest is 95 credits for the most basic of missions, and it goes up from there.  Even Treasure Hunting for loot boxes doesn't always win for you.  I've spent 95 credits to get a box that only has 62 credits inside.  Fortunately, Crafting doesn't consume credits though it does obviously chew up the other resources you collect.

I'll talk briefly about the Sith Inquisitor storyline after Tasia's current portrait.

Tasia, Level 16 Sith Sorceress, Dromund Kaas
Alia, Level 2 Jedi Consular, Tython

(Sith Inquisitor SPOILERS below!)

(Last chance!)

On Dromund Kaas, it's all about Sith politics.  Indeed, it may well be a parable about how evil consumes itself.  As an Inquisitor, your master's path forward is blocked by her superior, Darth Skotia.  So you spend most of your time plotting, and eventually accomplishing, his assassination.   During that time you have to storm the estate of a renegade Sith lord who is, in turn, is plotting with an exiled Sith who wants to invade the Imperial capital!  Along the way you run into a Cult of Revan, Sith hunting citizens for sport, and a full fledged slave rebellion.  

With all that going on, it's amazing that they managed to invade the Republic in the first place!

Overall, it's been very Sithy, though going lightside has led to some interesting decisions.  Especially since my companion is a Force User eating assassin who hates it when I show mercy.  

Still, I'm enjoying the story so far.


  1. That's the amazing part. I'm enjoying the story of an MMO.

  2. I can't believe it either, and yet....there it is.
