Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Old Republic Log V

Despite my playing for a few hours last night, Tasia remains at level 16.  However, I did advance to a major plot point, the acquisition of my very own Fury class Interceptor and the droid who helps maintain it for me.  The former gives me my own travelling Rest Area, so I don't have to keep bunking down in cantinas.  The latter counts as my second companion, even though he doesn't have any combat ability.  But since he can be sent on Crew Skill Missions, he's worth having around regardless.

So now I've completed the main Dromund Kaas plotlines, though I've still got a bunch of Party 2 and Party 2+ quests that I skipped along the way that I'd like to try to beat solo like I did on Korriban.  I also failed to find any Datacrons, so I've got to go looking for those too.

But all that will have to wait.  Since they so inconsiderately shut down the servers a couple of hours before we were scheduled to do our first guild run, the Kessel Midnight Runners have yet to do anything.  So rather than mess around with the early level stuff, especially since everyone else is making a Trooper or Smuggler so I'd be stuck going solo on Tython anyway, I figured we might as well get through our starting worlds, and meet up to do the Essene Flashpoint together as a group next Monday, then press on to Coruscant.

We've also got a Ventrillo server now, and that's nice since it'll allow us to do voice chat when we play.  (Thanks, Morgan!)

So that's pretty much it.  I'll be working on Alia for the next few updates while Tasia chills in orbit around Dromund Kaas.  I do have a brief story update for the Sith Inquisitor storyline that I'll append after Tasia's portrait as usual.

Apprentice Tasia, Level 16 Sith Sorceress, Dromund Kaas
Alia, Level 2 Jedi Consular, Tython

(SPOILERS follow.)

(Entering SPOILER zone....)

Right, so your big plotline as an Inquisitor after the murder of Darth Skotia is an artifact hunt.  You're looking for the five pieces of an artifact created by the long-dead Sith Lord Tulak Hord.  While recovering the first piece from the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas, you encounter a ghost who claims that you're his descendant, and encourages you to become powerful and resurrect the family name.

Here's what Lord Kallig's ghost looks like:

Anyone else see the problem?

Okay, so Tasia's a Twi'lek.  For her to be descended from Lord Kellig, he needs to be a Twi'lek too.  Except he hasn't got any lekku, the big head-tails that Twi'lek have.  And since a Twi'lek's lekku contains a part of his or her brain, it would be pretty tough for him not to have any.  I suppose it's possible that those boxy things on the side of his head are some kind of cybernetic implant that he used to replace his lekku with.  Also, the Clone Wars TV show has it that Humans and Twi'lek can interbreed, so he could have gotten a Twi'lek lover pregnant and her descendants could have all bred with pureblood Twi'leks until eventually Tasia was born looking like a pure Twi'lek.

But it still threw me for a loop.  And I shouldn't have to fan-wank an explanation for Kallig's appearance.  That's BioWare's job.  Considering that the player runs into Kallig in an instanced zone and will only see his or her own version of Kallig and the fact that there are different Kallig models already, as seen here, it just seems a little sloppy.

Would it really have been so hard to make sure that Twi'lek Inquisitors get a Kallig with lekku?  Or at least the hooded version so we could pretend that he's a Twi'lek?  I mean, really.

Anyway, that's what I've got to say about the Inquisitor so far.  Now, on to the Jedi Consular!

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