Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Old Republic Log IX

So, as I suggested, I've started a new Trooper to replace Alia with.  Meet Kelynn, a take-no-prisoners cyborg who's scarred physically and emotionally!

 I like how the scars and the cyborg eyepatch make her look like she lost a fight with Wolverine when she was younger.  She's like a female version of Cole, Macon, and Reese.

(Bonus points for anyone who gets that reference!)

Having played a Trooper in the Beta, there's not much the story can do to surprise me, though playing it Dark Side has thrown in a new wrinkle or two.  Not enough to really comment on yet, though.  I'll do an Ord Mantell write-up once I finish the planet.

The question is whether I can get Kelynn up to level 13 in time for our next Guild Game on the 2nd.  If it looks like I'm not going to make it, I'll spend the time to move Alia up to 13 instead, but I remain cautiously optimistic. 

Tonight, though, I'll be heading over to my brother's place and advancing our Sith.  I think we'll finish off some Dromund Kaas quests so that we can do Hammer Station for the first time as a Guild next Monday.

Tasia, Level 16 Sith Sorceress, Imperial Fleet
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Kelynn, Level 7 Trooper, Ord Mantell

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