Thursday, April 28, 2011

Working for Yahoo, Part IV

Oh, so that's why you do jobs from the assignment desk.  It's because it goes through the system so much faster!  In fact, here's my first assignment right here!

Readers of this blog may recall that I wrote my first article for Yahoo on Monday the 25th of April.  I wrote my second one, picking "memories of your graduation." off the list almost at random, on Tuesday the 26th.  So here we are on Thursday the 28th, and I haven't heard a thing about my first submission, but the second one is up already.  Mind you, I'm locked into the lower pay scale without any up front bonus, but hey, its up and out there in a couple of days.  That's not bad at all.

Of course, the real deciding factor will be page views.  Will the fact that the assigned article is appropriate to the season and may therefore get more press from Yahoo itself give me enough page views to make a reasonable amount of cash from it?  I still don't have a very good handle on how many page views the average Yahoo page gets. If I get 1,000 or so then I've made $1.50, which is a pretty shitty rate for a couple hours of work.  Get it up to 10,000 and we're at $15, which is at least minimum wage.  One hundred thousand means I'm looking at $150 which ain't bad at all.  And a million or more, well, that's damn fine money.

Complicating the matter is the fact that each article is going to hang out online virtually in perpetuity, racking up more and more page views over time.  So what I get in the first week may not be indicative of what I can get over the course of weeks, months, or even years.

On the other hand, my current ability to self-promote is somewhat limited.  I figure I've got maybe a hundred or so Twitter Followers, Facebook Friends, and what have you.  The Google Adsense tracker shows that my two blogs here generate 42-43 page views a day.  Not bad for just starting out, but hardly even a drop in the bucket as far as Yahoo is concerned where views are measured in the thousands.

So there's a lot I don't know about this just yet.  Hopefully sometime next week I'll start getting solid numbers from Yahoo and be better able to evaluate YAC as a money making venture.

But in the short term, hey, I've been published!  That feels pretty good, no matter what.

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