Friday, March 2, 2012

WEP '12, Day 60 - Old Republic Log XXIV

Right, so I didn't actually do all that much, but I would like to talk a little more about Tatooine, as far as the Sith Inquisitor goes.  So let's get all Spoilery with it, shall we?

Kelynn, Level 35 Vanguard, Republic Fleet
Tasia, Level 29 Sith Sorceress, Alderaan
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

Nothing but suns, sand, and SPOILERS!

Are you sure you're ready for the SPOILERS?

Right.  Tatooine from the Sith Inquisitor's side is pretty boring. Go in, pick up your new space pirate companion, help him track down the guy who betrayed him, then track down the corpses of the guys who betrayed the first traitor.  Nothing much to it.

What bugs me, though, was the fact that the main Planet Quest line actually merges with the Republic on by the time you hit the Dune Sea.  Out there you find the same beacons, including the one right outside the Republic Outpost, which is a bitch for Imperial players, go into the same ruined Czerka base, and get into the same confrontation with the sentient artifact of the Infinite Empire.  Granted, the actual story diverges at the end as the Imperial characters don't get a final confrontation with the Czerka guy who'd been plaguing the Republic characters, but even so, there was a lot of overlap.

Which wouldn't be a big deal except that the guys who marketed TOR claimed there was no duplicate content from Empire to Republic.  But that's clearly not true.  For one thing, besides who briefs you on the mission, most of the Flashpoints in the game are identical regardless of which side you're on.  And now there's the duplicate content on Tatooine.  Sure, they can claim the technicality that there are a few changes, but the fact that I'm level 35 with one character and level 29 with another and I've gone through a lot of the same stuff from planet to planet is pretty disturbing.  Especially now that I'm on Alderaan and I'm seeing "save the besieged outposts" and "poison the bugs" missions on both sides of the fence...

It's just a little worrisome, is all.

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