Saturday, March 24, 2012

WEP '12, Day 75 - Old Republic Log XXVII

The funny thing about this log is that I canceled my Old Republic subscription last Monday so I wouldn't have to pay the $15 on Tuesday.  And yet, here I am, writing a new log...and not even a epilogue either.

I suppose I should explain how we got to where we are.  Morgan canceled his subscription with three days before the next payment.  He just wasn't enjoying his character, and it was impractical for him to get another one up to speed.  Besides, as Bioware must have feared when they moved it back to March, Morgan decided he'd rather play Mass Effect III.  And frankly, if my 360 weren't dying and I thought my PC could handle it, so would I.

The funny thing is, this is a Free Trial Weekend for Old Republic.  So I was able to create a brand new account yesterday and I can play through Sunday.  I'm not going to play all that much, to be honest, but I wanted to give the Imperial Agent storyline another try.

So now I've got a fifth character, Alisera, the Chiss Imperial Agent.

All told, while her story ain't bad, it ain't exactly thrilling so far either.  What's more, I'm not a fan of the cover based combat, which can get really frustrating very quickly.  I may squeeze in a few hours more today or tomorrow, but there's been nothing here that really compels me to stick around.

I guess we'll see.

Alisera, Level 7 Imperial Agent, Hutta

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