Wednesday, March 7, 2012

WEP '12, Day 62 - Catching Up

So, you may have noticed that I'm running a little behind.  I've got excuses, of course.  Everyone does.  They are, if you're interested, that I was working on my Clarion entry, then I was doing prep work for my new A Song of Ice and Fire campaign, and then that I was beta testing a PC game.  And they're all true.  I really was doing all those things.

But the truth of the matter is that I fell behind on my blogging because there were moments when I could have been blogging and instead I decided do my Words with Friends or surf the 'net a little longer or even just go to bed a little earlier.

So, to try and get back on track, I'm going to lay out my next few posts.  The order may change, probably will in fact, but here's what I've got on tap:

Old Republic Log  XXV - Coverage of Monday night's Guild Run through Maelstrom Prison.

Ocean's Twelve Retrospective - I saw this over the weekend.

Ashes of Empire Journal - Where-in I'll talk about the Song of Ice and Fire game I just started.

Amazing Race 20 Analysis, Episode 3 - More Race chatter.

Beta Test Preview - I need to check if I've done an NDA for the game I'm testing.  I don't think I did, and assuming I'm right, I'll talk about my feelings for the game.  EDIT: Nope, NDA is there and pretty solid.  I won't be talking about it after all.  Guess I'll have to come up with something else.

Down the line, I'll also have more Old Republic Journals, Race Analysis, Ocean's Thirteen and maybe even the Sinatra Ocean's Eleven retros, plus whatever else comes to mind.  I'll probably be behind for a while, but at least we're moving forward again, and that's something.

And, with this post, I'm only five days behind!

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