Thursday, March 8, 2012

WEP '12, Day 64 - Old Republic Log XXV

With Morgan back from the West Coast, we re-convened and did Maelstrom Prison.  And while we did wipe some four times, with a couple of extra individual deaths along the way, at no point did it seem like we were going to get shut out entirely the way we had the first time we did Hammer Station and Taral V.  It pretty much want about as smooth as one could have hoped for, really.

The shining moment of the night was the formalization of the Midnight Run, named after our guild, the Kessel Midnight Runners.  The Midnight Run is the bullshit tactic we used on Taral V where someone dies while fighting a boss and the survivors run for the respawn point and team up with the returning ressurected characters to finish off the already damaged boss.  It worked great on Taral V for the last boss.  Technically, we'd even tried it as far back as Hammer Station but that boss resets if you go to far from his starting point.

But here in the Maelstrom Prison it worked perfectly.  After I died to the guys crazy face-lasers, the rest of the team hoofed it, I caught up, and we put that bad boy down.  While we were doing it someone suggested calling it the Midnight Run, and so our new favorite tactic was perfected.  I'm not sure how often it'll work, since it didn't work on the last boss of Maelstrom Prison even, but it's nice that we've started to develop a repertoire of combat tactics.

Even if it is bullshit.

The other thing that was significant from our Prison break was the fact that Kelynn got herself a new outfit.  It's only green gear (both in item quality and actual color), so it'll be replaced sooner or later, but it does increase my offensive stats nicely.  Unfortunately, it also decreases my health, so I ended up switching back to the old armor for the end of Maelstrom Prison.  What's worse is the fact that while the helmet and breastplate work fine together, I never found a pair of pants for it, and the old yellow pants from Kelynn's old outfit doesn't go with this one at all.  Still, it's always nice to get new gear.  

The challenge now is to get Kelynn up to level 39 in time to do Colecoid Wargame, the next Flashpoint.  I'm not sure it's possible given how much leveling has slowed down since level 35, but I'll give it a go.  Worse comes to worse, though, we'll just do Heroics next time and hit the Wargame in two weeks instead.

Kelynn, Level 36 Vanguard, Republic Fleet
Tasia, Level 29 Sith Sorceress, Alderaan
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

1 comment:

  1. With Mass Effect out, it's going to be damn near impossible for me to level to 39 prior to Monday night.
