Monday, March 12, 2012

WEP '12, Day 70 - Offline

Great things, bundles.  You get your phone, cable TV, and internet all from one provider with a discount to all three services.  What could possibly go wrong?  I mean, unless they all go down at once or something, but what are the chances of that?

Today?  Those chances are 100%.  I'm typing this at a local library.  It's like old home week.  I feel like it should be 1999 or something.  Anyone want to watch The Matrix?

I'm reminded of that big blackout we had last year.  You don't really notice how much you rely on things, especially the 'net, until they're gone.  I mean, look at the things I was going to do today.  Blog?  Nope.  Write fiction?  I've got it stored as a Google Doc, and that needs me to be online to access.  How about playtest that game I'm in the beta for?  Oh, wait, that needs Steam to use.  Can't Steam without the 'net.  Watch TV?  No, cable's down and I can't get to Hulu or Netflix.  Bulls game?  That's on TV, which is down.  Play Old Republic with the guild?  You must be joking.

At least there's still lights, heat, and water.  And since I'm in a library I can borrow a book and maybe a DVD or two and still have something to do tonight.  And with luck WOW (the cable company, not the game) will get their shit together and get everything back online sooner rather than later. 

How is it that we live in an age of such wonders, and yet can find it all so frustrating?

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