Friday, January 6, 2012

WEP '12, Day 6 - There's Something Odd About Holmes

This is more of a state of the site post rather than something topical.  We'll return to current events tomorrow.

I was looking over my page views recently, and I noticed something interesting.  My review of Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows has some 241 pageviews.  That's more than ten times what I normally get on a good post, and beats the 153 pageviews I got on my most read work for Yahoo, the AMC Randhurst review. I assume that's more a reflection of the popularity of the film than it is anything I did, and it was probably helped by another reviewer who posted a comment, but it remains a minor feather in my cap.

Speaking of comments, it occurs to me that the problem with having some of the commentary here, some on Facebook, and the rest on Google+ is that no one ever ends up speaking to one another.  It's pretty much just me replying to you.  I suppose that's fine, but perhaps we'd be best served just putting our comments here so that everyone can play?  Just a thought.

Overall, I've mostly managed to maintain the pattern of getting my WEP posts up fairly early in the day.  Day two almost got me, as I didn't get the post up before we started playing Old Republic that night, but I managed to find a gap in our run while the other player was finishing off a Class Quest to finish the post and get it up before midnight.  It was a close thing, though.

So far, the most viewed post in 2012 was my Chicago Bears post, which was a surprise.  I guess there are more Bears fans than movie or Old Republic fans on my Facebook and Google+ feeds.

In other news, my patience was rewarded.  I managed to get a coupon through Impulse that let me finally buy the much-maligned Sword of the Stars II for only $10.  With luck, the constant patching has made the game actually playable, which was not the case when it first came out back in October.  I suppose I deserved to be disappointed, as the last game that I was following with as much anticipation was Master of Orion III, and that didn't work out either.  I don't know if it still works, but here's the link to the coupon if you want to give it a try.

So, we're most of a week in and things are rolling nicely.  I thank you for your patronage, and here's hoping the other 51 weeks go as smoothly as the first one did!

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