Thursday, January 12, 2012

WEP '12, Day 11 - Old Republic Log XIII

Bah.  I was ready to pull another last minute posting tonight at 11:30 when the internet (and phone and cable, yay bundles!) went down for two hours.  Nevertheless, we press on despite all that WOW (the cable company, not the game) tries to do to slow us down.

Things have been busy, if low key, on the Old Republic front lately.  I've gotten Tasia to level 20, Kelynn to 19.  I also switched the Guildmaster status from Alia to Kelynn.   Our third guild attempt at Hammer Station ended in the same ignominious failure that the first two tries did, though we consoled ourselves by slaughtering every living thing in a Heroic 4 Mission on Coruscant.

Matt and I did another Heroic 4 by ourselves on Balmorra with our Sith.  My companion can actually tank pretty well now, so I provide the healing and tanking both, while his characters kill everything.  I realized that while my heals are all time based, the protective force field I can put on my allies is an instant cast, so whenever I need to emergency heal someone, I do the Static Shield, then my faster but smaller heal, then finally the slower bigger one.  Works pretty well.

Kelynn's looking more and more troopery all the time now.  The helmet helps, even though her eyepatch sticks through the helmet lens, which is pretty awful.  I dropped enough credits to get a decent looking helmet on Kelynn's companion, but since he can't wear the one Kel's got on and he can wear the one I bought, I left it on him.

I did finish Coruscant, so I'll do a brief story spoiler section after the portrait.

Tasia, Level 20 Sith Sorceress, Balmorra
Kelynn, Level 19 Vanguard, Taris
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant

Coruscant SPOILERS follow.

Are you cleared for SPOILERS?

Right.  So following the betrayal of the rest of Havoc Squad, your first task is to cut off the supplies they're getting from the criminal underworld on Coruscant.  Surprise, surprise, that means blasting your way through the same three criminal organizations that every other Republic class is.  There's this bit where you're running down the guy who mentored Havoc Squad in the first place, and you discover that the last criminal gang has been co-opted by the Imperials, but other than that, it's pretty straight forward.

I did get an interesting choice at the very end, though.  I'd been infiltrating a small enemy space station and I came upon the captured Republic Senator who was nominally my mission objective.  He was strapped to a chair that was rigged with explosives.  I could rescue him, but doing so would set off an alarm and maybe allow Wraith, one of the traitors, to escape.  So I went Dark Side and left him in the bomb chair and went off to confront Wraith.  She immediately blows the chair and kills the guy, saying:

"Mission failed, Lieutenant."

To which I reply:

"You're the mission, Wraith."

We fight, and she dies.  I have to cover my ass with the general I'm taking orders from and I took a huge -180 affection hit from my law & order companion, but I got the job done.

The question I have now...and as it's a class quest, I'd have to get a new Trooper from level 1 to 19 to find out in play whether or not anything different happens if you free the Senator.  Are there guards?  Does she ambush you?  Or did I let Wraith blow a Senator to meat chunks for no reason than my own paranoia?  (And desire for Dark Side Points.)

It's enough to make one wonder.

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