Saturday, January 7, 2012

WEP '12, Day 7 - The Republican Primaries

And so, the inevitable politics post.

Has there ever been a less enthusiastic body politic than the current Republican electorate?  While united in their desire to replace President Obama, about the only thing else Republicans in the field seem to be able to agree on is how much they don't like the current crop of candidates.

Like kids on a Ferris Wheel, each of the prospective candidates has ridden to the top, then spun back down again.  First Bachman, then Perry, then Cain, then Gingrich, then Paul, and now Santorum.  The only exceptions seeming to be Romney who is the center of the wheel that the others rise and fall around, and Huntsman, who as a moderate in a party that no longer believes in moderation, never had a chance in the first place.

It seems like it will be Romney.  He "won" Iowa, though there's some debate about that.  He's going to run away with it in New Hampshire.  That will likely scrape off Huntsman.  He's ahead in South Carolina, where a significant Romney victory will probably do in Perry.  Paul always hangs in until the end, and Gingrich, who's been running with almost no money anyway since his campaigns' early defections in the beginning of the year, might stick around just to take shots at Mitt, whom he blames for his collapse in Iowa.  I'm guessing that unless Santorum does remarkably well in South Carolina, he'll kack it after a defeat in Florida, but there's room for error there yet.

And so, it'll be Romney.  Whom no one really likes.  The reason that no one's enthused about Romney is because no one knows who he really is or what he really believes in.  The Massachusetts Health Care bill Romney signed as Governor of Massachusetts is similar in most ways to the "ObamaCare" that Mitt swears is destroying the country.  Shockingly enough, when he was Governor of a left-leaning state he was willing to tolerate all those sticky social issues like Abortion and gay Marriage that he now, as he panders to a right leaning body politic, he says he abhors.  And so on, and so forth.

In short, one gets the feeling, rightly or wrongly, that Mitt will say whatever you want to hear just as long as he gets to be the guy to redecorate the Oval Office.  And indeed, maybe that very chameleon like ability of his to try to be all things to all people will let him beat President Obama in November.

But that doesn't mean that we'll have any idea what kind of a President we're going to get.

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