Tuesday, January 3, 2012

WEP '12, Day 3 - Old Republic Log XII

Our healer called in sick last night and our attempt to do Hammer Station failed pretty early on without one.  So, since one player hadn't done The Esseles, and I hadn't done it with Kelynn, we did that instead.  Since 2/3 of the players were gong Dark Side, the story changed a little as we took the Dark Side shortcut by sacrificing some crewmen, but the Light Side prevailed in the final choice, which was a disappointment, since I'd like to see how the story changed.  We did have a slight Ninja problem which ended up with a Smuggler wearing Jedi robes, but hopefully we can work that out better next time.

Once we'd finished The Esseles, our Jedi logged out, so the Smuggler and I teamed up to do a couple of Heroic 2+ quests.  That went reasonably well, and I ended the night at level 16 with better gear than I'd started with, so that was good.  Hopefully we can get the whole team together next week and beat Hammer Station.

So here's how Kelynn started the night:

And here's how she looked at the end:

I kind of prefer the former, which feels more Trooper to me, then the latter, even if the backpack is reminiscent of the Rebel Troopers from Hoth.  But the second one has better stats, so that's what I'm looking like for the foreseeable future.

Tasia, Level 18 Sith Sorceress, Imperial Fleet
Kelynn, Level 16 Vanguard, Coruscant
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Republic Fleet

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