Tuesday, January 31, 2012

WEP '12, Day 31 - Old Republic Log XVI

Another guild run, another Log entry.

Last night, we did the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint.  It was a level 25 Flashpoint, and since I hadn't played since the last guild run the week before, I was only level 23, as was Morgan's Knight.  On the other hand, Matt's Trooper was 25 and Luke's Smuggler had made it to 27.  So we were a smidge underleveled for the Flashpoint, but managed to beat it nevertheless.

Granted, as an underleveled Tank, I died in every single boss battle except the final boss.  The first boss fight was a single bad-ass Mandalorian and his pet hounds.  I lasted until the boss himself was nearly down before I got dropped in that one.

The second boss fight was our bane, though.  That one consisted of an opposition Sith team of a Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, and Imperial Agent.  We wiped three times before we finally managed to win on the fourth attempt.  In the end, the important part was figuring out the right order to kill them in.  The one that finally worked for us was Agent, Warrior, Inquisitor, Hunter, though your mileage may vary.

By comparison, the final boss fight was a cakewalk.  That one consisted of a single nasty Mandalorian who kept retreating to places where he was covered by sentry turrets.  We pretty much just chased him around, killed his turrets, and then killed him dead when he stood and fought rather than keep retreating.  And I didn't even die!

The lesson here is that I need to keep myself leveled up properly.  The next Flashpoint is a level 29, so I'll need to be at least 27 to even get in, and preferably 29.  Luckily I made it to 24 at the end of Mandalorian Raiders, and I've quested to 25 since then.  It's too soon to discuss the Nar Shaadda, but I'll answer the question I asked back in Log XIII.  Find out in the Spoiler section.

Kelynn, Level 25 Vanguard, Nar Shaadda
Tasia, Level 21 Sith Sorceress, Imperial Fleet
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Corusucant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

SPOILERS follow.

Beware, for the story is SPOILED!

Right.  As you may or may not recall, I wondered what impact, if any, making the Dark Side choice had over the Light Side one at the end of the Coruscant missions for the Trooper.  At that time, I had gone in to rescue a Republic Senator who had been captured by one of the traitors I was hunting, Wraith.  I found the Senator, but he was rigged with explosives.  If I freed him, it would alert Wraith to my presence.  So I left him there, found Wraith and killed her, but she blew up the Senator before I could put her down.  My question was whether or not making that decision would impact the story.  I suspected that it would not, or that if it did that it would be a minor change where rather than facing Wraith solo as I did, she'd have guards or something.  Unfortunately, I'd have to level up a new Trooper to find out for myself, so I'd resigned myself to never knowing.

Except that Morgan has a Light Side Trooper and rescued the Senator....only to discover that doing so means that Wraith escapes and you never get to fight her at all!

That was pretty damn impressive to me.  They actually made realistic consequences to decisions we both made.  Morgan got to be the hero and save the Senator, but I got to kill the traitor I was looking for.  Just knowing that was possible has increased my appreciation for the game and made me want to get ahead in the Trooper storyline just to see how things play out in the end

Good job, game!


  1. I have to say, most of the time, I feel like I'm being punished for picking light side.

  2. It depends. I'm getting more credits going Dark, but I'm paying for it in affection because both of my companions are pretty much lawful goody-goodies. And the amount of bonus credits that I get is trivial. For instance, my most recent thing was getting bribed by a Hutt to lie to the Republic Ambassador, which earned me a 275 credit bonus. Which is nothing at the scale we're playing at. It'd cost me three times that to buy a gift to make up for the -40 in affection that decision cost me.

  3. I actually meant more that my RP choices actually seem to result in bad RP experiences.

    I saved the jerky sentator who was a jerk, and continued to treat me like I was his slave. Where as you got to do something badass. Which is a reoccuring light side theme - grin and take it.
