Tuesday, January 17, 2012

WEP '12, Day 17 - Old Republic Log XIV

And so we return to The Old Republic.  Things have progressed, albeit slowly.  Tasia is up to level 21 now, but she's stalled out on her Class Quest because the final monster on Balmorra is a pain in the ass for a healer build like the one Tasia's running.  I'm hoping to get some guild help from Matt or Luke to get the job done in the next couple of days.

Kelynn is keeping pace at 21 as well, having finally finished off Hammer Station last night with the rest of the guild.  It took us three tries to take out the end boss, but we got it done.  We got it done so quickly, in fact, that we also had time to blitz through the Fall of the Locust Heroic 4.  That one wiped us four times, but since you can use Medical Probes in Heroics, we were able to recover faster.  Considering that they've got dialogue and everything, the Heroics, especially the four player ones, really are mini dungeons, which is nice.

Finally, in a fit of either boredom or curiosity, I started a fourth character.  Leanra is a Chiss Imperial Agent.  She's only level 3, since I haven't put more than a couple of hours into her development, but she exists, giving me access to 3/4 of the characters, mechanically anyway.  Given how poorly my machine handles melee, I'm unlikely to try a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior anytime soon.

Speaking of the mechanics, I think I enjoy the Trooper/Bounty Hunter mechanics best of all.  With a ranged focus and lots of good area of effect attacks, the Trooper gets me the most bang for my buck.  It's unfortunate that the Tank build of Vanguard, which is what Kelynn is, requires me to get so close to be effective.  Still, that does leave me the option of going with a full on shooty Bounty Hunter one of these days, and that could be fun.

Since both Tasia and Kelynn are rocking orange gear that you can upgrade as you go, neither of them have changed in any significant way.  So here's Leanra instead.

Tasia, Level 21 Sith Sorceress, Balmorra
Kelynn, Level 21 Vanguard, Taris
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

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