Tuesday, January 10, 2012

WEP '12, Day 10 - Lesser Known Candidates Forum

This was going to be another Old Republic log, but I found something better.  This morning, I caught the tail end of the Lesser Known Democratic Presidential Candidates Forum.   Looking for it online, I found a link to the other side of the coin, the Lesser Known Republican Presidential Candidates Forum.  The latter is interesting too, considering that it has a guy whose solution to everything is to "contact orb soul spirit Jesus with Braingate."

But perhaps as one might expect, Republican fringers aren't as wacky as the Democratic ones.  In particular, the Democratic half includes an appearance by Vermin Supreme.  His solutions to the Zombie Apocalypse sounds pretty good to me, but the highlight of it was watching "Mr. Supreme," as the moderator called him, glitter-bomb Anti-Abortion crusader Randall Terry because Jesus told Vermin Supreme to turn Terry gay.  That's near the end of the Democratic video if you'd like to see that play out.

The thing about it is that by opening the forum to anyone who managed to get on the ballot but who hasn't been invited to any of the "real" debates, they pretty much neuter the ability of any of these guys to be taken seriously.  Republican John Davis, for example, who really doesn't say anything too different than, say, Michele Bachman or Rick Santorum, still gets tarred with the same wacky brush because he's sitting two seats away from "orb soul spirit Jesus" guy and next to "9/11 drone planes and tower rigged to blow" conspiracy guy.

It's interesting to me how many of these guys are single-issue.  Beside the aforementioned "orb soul spirit Jesus" and 9/11 Conspiracy guys, there was "attack Iran" guy and "hunt down the illegal immigrants" guy, and a 38 year old who's a Tea Party favorite on the Republican side.  The Democrats had a guy focused on Thorium nuclear reactors as a way to solve the oil crisis, a couple of highly religious guys, the anti-abortion guy, and of course, Vermin Supreme who isn't so much a single issue guy so much as an issue all to himself.

There are the occasional good points and even moments of near statesmanship, such as the guy in the Republican forum who said that he thought that the President had done has he'd thought was best but that his efforts simply hadn't worked.  But as reasonable as he sounds, it's hard to take the whole thing seriously when it's mixed in with a guy calling to "contact Jesus" for guidance.  And it's even worse on the Democratic side when you're sitting on the same podium with a guy in robes with a boot on his head, and, as it turns out, a handful of glitter in his pocket.

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