Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WEP '12, Day 32 - Write Everyday Update

So that's a month of daily updates in the rear view mirror now.  That's not bad, if I do say so myself.  Especially since the 2011 version of the Write Everyday Project only managed to go 28 installments before I put it on hold for NaNoWriMo.  What's more, I didn't miss any days the way I did last year.  Granted, several of the 2012 WEPs have gone out after midnight, but that's still part of the day as far as I'm concerned.

So what have we learned?  Well, for one, writing on the weekend is a bitch.  Weekdays have a routine that's easy to get into.  Get up, check email, check the news, get writing.  Bam, bam, bam.  Weekends, though, often require me to get someplace early or there's a Bears' game or a family thing, or whatever.  In those cases I'm often faced with trying to do something short in the morning before things get going or, more often lately, I wait until I'm done with the day and do it before I go to bed.

Secondly, that series help.  I can usually fall back on an Old Republic Log if I'm feeling uninspired, or carry on with my Memoirs of a Gamer series instead.  Those are both easier to do than thinking up something extemporaneously.  Or if I'm feeling really under motivated, I can do a status update like this one.  Though to be fair, at the start of a new month isn't a bad time to look back at what we've done so far.

Commentary helps too.  Getting into the occasional debate over some aspect of Old Republic, or an aside from someone who was there from the Memoirs of a Gamer series helps keep me motivated to do those.  But I guess I'm not controversial enough, because I don't get much in the way of comments from the things I write.  Even the Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows review, which is by far the most read thing I've written in my life with 466 page views at last count (if Bloggers stats are to be believed) and yet only scoring five comments.  I guess people Google the review, read it, then go see the movie or don't, but never feel the need to say what they thought of it or what they thought of what I thought of it.

Speaking of Holmes, given the success of that review, maybe I should look into doing more movie reviews.  Granted, my Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy review and my assorted DVD/Blu-Ray reviews haven't done appreciably better than any of my standard posts, but the Amazing Race examination that led off the Competitive TV series  is the second most viewed piece on this blog, so it does seem to be related to the popularity of the given property.  Indeed, an Amazing Race series once the show restarts in a couple of weeks isn't a bad idea at all.  But I'll probably also do some more movie reviews, especially of big movies like Avengers.

In the short term, however, there isn't much in the theaters that's caught my eye, though The Grey is getting very good reviews from people I respect, so I may need to rethink not seeing that one.  I figure that the Memoirs of a Gamer probably has two episodes left to it, so I'll have to start thinking of a new series.  I'm open to suggestions if anyone has one, though i'll have to be something that keeps my interest.  Now that I think of it, there was that Deep Space Nine vs Babylon 5 series that I was working on last summer.  Maybe that.  But we'll see.  In the meantime, I hope you don't mind your peek behind the curtain.  Regular service will resume tomorrow. 

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