Saturday, February 18, 2012

WEP '12, Day 48 - Old Republic Log XX

With Kelynn on vacation on Carrick Station, I returned to Tasia after a few weeks.  Part of the reason I'd backed off my Sith Sorceress was because I'd tried to start my Class Quest on Nar Shadaa and gotten wiped out twice in a row.  That was pretty disheartening, and since I needed to power level Kelyenn to catch up with the rest of the Midnight Runners anyway, I left Tasia pondering her failure for a time.

When I came back, I noticed a world quest available, so I went off and did that instead.  That got me up to level 22, and when I went back to try that stalled Class Quest again, I prevailed.  I also came to realize that while my technique of focusing mostly on shielding and healing my Companion works fine when confronted by a boss, it actually isn't a very good idea against multiple enemies.  So now I've developed two combat routines, one heal based for single powerful enemies, and one aggressive lightning based one for groups where its more important to thin their numbers before they can overwhelm Kham Val.

What's interesting is the degree to which the Sorceress is all about crowd control.  Lacking the numerous area effect powers that are the best part of the Trooper's repertoire, the Sorceress is forced to rely more on disabling enemies with several stunning and slowing powers.  That actually works pretty well, even against groups, because I can Force Whirlwind one enemy out of my way, then use my various lightning powers, some of which also stun, to eliminate a second enemy while Khem massacres the one or two guys who remain.  Finally we team up to kill the whirlwind victim quickly to end the fight.

Meanwhile, in boss fights I tap a couple of Damage Over Time abilities, then re-shield and heal Khem, then maybe throw in a Force Lightning or something, then more heals, and so on.  It's slower, but more sure, since Khem rarely goes below half health when I'm working it that way.

I've almost got the Nar Shadaa Class Quest worked out, and indeed, have gotten Tasia a couple of levels more, so I'll do a story spoiler section once I've got that next chunk done.

Kelynn, Level 35 Vanguard, Republic Fleet
Tasia, Level 24 Sith Sorceress, Imperial Fleet
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

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