Sunday, February 12, 2012

WEP '21, Day 42 - Old Republic Log XVIII

Yes, this one is late.  I wasn't feeling very good last night, and indeed don't feel that hot now, so I missed an update.  Sucks, but that kind of thing happens sometimes.  I'm just going to have to double post today to make up for it.

In the last few days I've blown through Tatooine and moved on to Alderaan.  I'll do a spoiler section for Tatooine at the end of the post, as usual.

As far as gameplay goes, I've gotten a couple of new powers.  I picked up "Storm" which is similar to the Jedi Knight's or Sith Warrior's charge ability.  When I use it, I jump across the field and hit the target for modest damage.  For all that it doesn't do much damage it's still situationally more useful than the Harpoon, which does no damage at all.

I've also got another close range area attack, and an attack that forces enemies to attack me for six seconds.  Finally. I got Adrenaline Rush, which is a Heal Over Time self-heal.  The pisser to it is that I only got Rush at level 32, but I've had access to Skills that boost it for ages.  Which, since they were boosting a power I didn't have, I ignored....but now dearly wish I had, because Adrenaline Rush is awesome.  That strikes me as pretty piss poor design, though.  You shouldn't get access to power buffing Skills until the earliest level that you could possibly get the power it buffs.  That seems like Game Design 101, ya know?

With at least two of us, myself and Matt, at level 32, we should be good to go for the Taral V Flashpoint on Monday as long as Luke and Morgan make it to at least level 30 so they can get into it in the first place.  I'll probably do a log about our next adventure then.

Oh, and I finally got enough orange gear to get Kelyenn color coordinated all in yellow and white.  It's a small thing, but it makes me happier to look at her like that.  Now, if I could only accomplish the same thing for Kelynn's companion...

Kelynn, Level 32 Vanguard, Alderaan
Tasia, Level 21 Sith Sorceress, Balmora
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

Twin suns and SPOILERS below.

Sorry about the mess...of SPOILERS!

On Tatooine, you're hunting down Fuse, the traitorous Havoc Squad demolitions expert.  He actually contacts you pretty early on to tell you that he's reconsidered his defection, but that the Imperials were holding him a prisoner and forcing him to design bombs that the Imperials are getting some Geonosians to test in a terror campaign  in Anchorhead.  

Speaking of which, Anchorhead annoyed me.  I mean, yes, it was mentioned in Star Wars, but it was spoken of as a place that was too small to have its own spaceport, since Luke was planning to drop Ben off there where he could get transport to Mos Eisley, where he could get a ship to take him to Alderaan.

So why does Anchorhead have a spaceport the same size and configuration as the one on Coruscant?

I mean, yes, three thousand years and all between game and movie, so the spaceport could have closed down or been blown up or whatever.  It's a long time.  But it strikes me that if you're not going to use a place the way people who know the movies would expect it to be, why use it at all?  Have us land in Mos Espa, or some new Mos Whatever that you've just made up and have us visit small town Anchorhead as a quest hub or something.  And don't get me started on every planet, both Imperial and Republic, having the exact same spaceport layout, just with different colors.  That's just lazy.

But back to the story.  You zip around Tatooine and wipe out the space bugs, find clues to Fuse's location, and eventually track him and the Imperials down.  Where, as one might expect, you get a choice.  The base has been set to self destruct.  You can either race to the control room to shut down the self-destruct and open Fuse's cell, or you can hunt down the Imperial Commander before he gets away with Fuse's bomb specs.  That one was an easy call for me.  I put a blaster bolt between the eyes of the Commander and let Fuse get his ass blown up.  

It was a fitting end for a bomb making traitor, don't you agree?

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