Tuesday, February 21, 2012

WEP '12, Day 51 - Old Republic Log XXII

In retrospect, I should have waited to do my Old Republic Log until after tonight's guild run, because I can't sit on this story for very long.

So we're doing the Taral V Flashpoint that we failed at last week.  We've already bounced off the optional boss three times, and declared failure on that score.  However, since everyone's higher level than they were before, those were the only wipes we'd encountered.  Until the end boss, that is.  We wiped on him trying three different tactics.  Finally, we decided on the fourth try to quit being fancy and try it straight the way we did the first failed time.  We got into it...and like ten seconds in, he dropped me.

Morgan called for a retreat and though Luke died on the way out, Morgan and Matt kept running...all the way to the entrance of the final bunker.  Since the boss himself is a slow mover, they actually managed to hold out until both Luke and I had resurrected, transitioned back into the Flashpoint, and arrived at...the start of the bunker!  Just in time to take on the half dead boss and finish him long before his equally slow moving reinforcement droids managed to walk the length of the complex to catch us!

I sincerely doubt that was how the fight was supposed to play out.  Indeed, we all agreed that it was weapons grade bullshit to win like that, but since none of us were at all interested in having to go back and do Taral V three times in three weeks, we let it stand.

Here's to bullshit!

Today's portrait, like Kelynn's last one, comes to you because I'm happy with her basic gear and don't really plan to change it anytime soon.  And the only change that has happened was her getting a nice belt with glowy bits on it, and the default picture that I use for the portraits doesn't show the belt slot.  So instead, I've gotten my hands on "The Republic Dancer" outfit, available for purchase from the Security Key Vendor.

Well, what the heck.  Kelynn's technically on leave, so if she'd like to work on her tan, who can begrudge her that, right?

Kelynn, Level 35 Vanguard, Republic Fleet
Tasia, Level 25 Sith Sorceress, Imperial Fleet
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

1 comment:

  1. To quote a magic card: "I'll grant you, it was a cheap shot. But it was all I could afford at the time."
