Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WEP '12, Day 38 - Old Republic Log XVII

Last night we plowed through the Cademimu Flashpoint.  Though structurally similar to most every other Flashpoint in that you blast your way through groups of baddies interrupted by boss fights, Cademimu is set in a Republic city, so at least the scenery was different.  As far as the actual content goes, there were two boss gimmick fights, the first and the last, with a single stand up fight in the middle.  As is to be expected, we wiped a few times each on the gimmicks before figuring out what to do, while the straight-up fight was easy.

In particular, the last one had some comedy moments as we discovered a disconnect between what Matt and I expect to be the logical way to sequence numbers and the way Morgan does.  I'm not sure if it was a USA vs Canada thing or a Chicago vs Halifax thing, but to our eyes, when assigning quadrant numbers the way that seems most natural looks like this:

1   2
3   4

That, however, is not what Morgan heard.  He heard:

1   2
4   3

This was important because we were in a launch bay and fighting an enemy general.  Every once in a while he'd activate one or more of the rockets, completely filling some of the quadrants with flame and killing anyone there.  Since Morgan was our best spotter, he'd call it out...and then some of us would burn to death, because our four and his were opposite each other.  In retrospect, it was pretty funny.  Eventually, we did all got on the same page and put the general's ass in the ground, but there were some rough moments there before the end.

I didn't get any loot worth mentioning, it was all going to Morgan's Knight for whatever reason, but I did go from just barely level 28 to around halfway to 29.  Which is good, because I need to be at least 30 by next Monday if we're going to do Taral V, the level 32 Flashpoint that's next in line.  Even better, we're hitting a string of three Republic-only Flashpoints that are levels 32, 33, and 35, so we won't need to bust our humps to level up quite so much from week to week, maybe giving me time to run Tasia or Leanra or something.  Or to get Morgan's Trooper up to speed if he still wants to go that way.  Also, if The Esseles was any indication, the Republic-only Flashpoints should have much more in the way of conversations, which means more Social Points.  And, frankly, better storytelling, as every Flashpoint since Esseles has been a pretty straightforward dungeon crawl with no story to speak of.

In solo play, I've got my bad attitude Trooper onto Tatooine.  I'll talk about the plot once I get offworld, but for now it's reasonable.  And hey, I got a new helmet out of it!

Now all I need to do is find a breastplate that has the right color scheme, and I'll be all set.  While this portrait doesn't look too bad, the fact that my pants are also yellow while my boots are green kind of makes it look pretty silly overall.

Ah well, it's back to the desert for me!

Kelynn, Level 28 Vanguard, Tatooine
Tasia, Level 21 Sith Sorceress, Balmora
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta


  1. I was tired at that point too, or I would have made the connection about the fact you all seemed to run in the wrong directions like lemmings when I called out 3 or 4. I think I enjoyed the first fight's gimmick the most, as it just seemed so different to the usual stuff. Even if the robot catches you, you aren't dead - so it's not such a big penalty - as opposed to being in the wrong square and being cooked pretty much instantly.

  2. Yeah, that was pretty interesting. Especially since it meant that one player could just play tag with it and kep the robot disabled for the whole fight.

    As long as that one player wasn't the Healer, that is...

  3. ....as long as it's not the healer is pretty much the go to statement for any boss fight ;D
