Thursday, February 16, 2012

WEP '12, Day 46 - I Can't Write in Third Person

I spent hours yesterday trying to get my story to work from a third person limited perspective and I got maybe half a page in, and that half page wasn't very good.

Today, I scrapped the whole thing and started over, this time in first person.  And the words flowed.    Possibly it's because I write these posts all in first person, and thus, have been getting much more practice in it.  The complication, of course, is that I'll have to work extra hard to make sure my characters develop a unique voice beyond my normal writing style.

I'll also have to see if I can thread the line between not putting in enough detail on one hand and becoming pedantic on the other.  Since my story is set in a world I've been developing for nearly twenty years now, I know a lot about how it works.  The temptation to make it less a story and more an encyclopedia entry is one I'll have to watch.

Writing in manuscript format is pretty interesting, but since it was a format developed for typewriters to allow for maximum readability and the ability to add in commentary and corrections, I can see why it's popular, even if it'd be less useful for an e-book submission if I wanted to go that way.

Overall, I've made a little progress: three pages out of the maximum twenty I'm allowed.  If I can keep that up, I should be done by next week, and then have another week or so for editing and revision.  That's not a lot of time, but it'll have to do.

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