Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WEP '12, Day 58 - Old Republic Log XXIII

While I should probably do my next Amazing Race analysis, the problem is that I haven't seen the episode yet...I was, as noted, watching the Oscars.  And since we did have a Kessel Midnight Runners guild run tonight, I might as well catch up on the Old Republic Log.

Of course, with Morgan out away in the wilds of San Francisco this week, and Paul long since having left the game, the three of us that remained weren't going to be able to do a Flashpoint on our own unless we added a random stranger to the mix, and no one was that enthused about that plan.  Since I'd been running Tasia for the last couple of weeks and both Matt and Luke wanted to use their Imperial characters, we went Dark for the night.

That put us at Tasia, my Healer spec'ed Sith Sorceress, Vyrace, Luke's DPS Bounty Hunter Mercenary, and Mal'Drak, Matt's DPS Sith Marauder.  For the fourth spot I broke out Tasia's companion, Khem'val, who took on the Tanking duties.

Which reminds me, we need to either find or have Morgan create a fourth Imperial character so we can get an Imperial guild going.  Not that guilds actually DO much at this point, but it makes organization a bit easier.

Anyway, after an interminable forty five minutes or so getting everyone in the same place and giving Matt and Luke enough cash for them to go to Tatooine and get speeder bikes, we finally got going on a couple of Heroics on Nar Shadaa.  Problem was, the first one was a Heroic 2+ that was way below Tasia's level.  It worked great for Vyrace and Mal'Drak, but doing the whole thing only earned Tasia five experience points.  Being so overleveled did make it a breeze, especially since you could activate sliced Imperial droids along the way and get yourself some heavy firepower backup.

The second Heroic was a 4+ that Tasia could get some benefit out of, and indeed turning in the final quest brought her to level 29.  That one included one of those multiple stage quest objectives.  So we started out having to blow up organ crates, then steal neurotoxin, then use the neurotoxin to poison some cyber-implants, then finally track down and murder the boss of the place.  There were only a handful of social points in the whole thing, and it really just felt like a beefed up version of a regular zone quest.

Still, the character shuffle did lead to us each playing a different role.  Between my Static Shield, the Heal Over Time Rejuvenation that buffs my other heals, and my big heal Dark Infusion that Rejuvenation makes go as fast as my Dark Heal, Tasia can keep people up pretty darn well.  I'm too busy switching from heal to heal to do more than the occasional crowd control on offense, mind you, but Vyrace and Mal'drak have got the killing down just fine.  Khem'val, since he's only a Companion, couldn't hold aggro the way a real Tank would have, so I was healing a lot, especially in the larger group battles.  The boss battles, on the other hand, were pretty damn easy, letting me slip in a few Damage Over Time attacks as well.  In fact there was only one death all night long, and that was Khem'val.  The actual players rarely got below half health.

Indeed, I'm beginning to think that while the Trooper/Bounty Hunter is great with all the area effect and raged attack powers, the Counselor/Inquisitor lines may be better healers.  Tasia has three ways to either protect your health or heal it with an instant cast ability, which is huge, and then can use one of those instants to make the biggest heal go off in 1.5 seconds!  It's rare that any enemy can overwhelm that kind of healing, and overall I was pleased with Tasia's performance tonight.

Next week, we hope to have Morgan back so we can roll through Maelstrom Prison, the other half of the story that began on Taral V last week.  Maelstrom is rated at level 35, and both Kelynn and Visa are that level, with Dae'wan at level 36.  Pretty much regardless of where Shahistasa is, since the last time I saw her she was 33, we should be able to at least give the Maelstrom a reasonable try.

Oh, and to conclude, here's the orange gear that I got for finishing off the Heroic 4+.  The headband is fine, and much better than the stupid lekkuless mask, but I've got serious quibbles with the shoulderpads on the robe.  How does she get into cars or through doors with those things on?

Kelynn, Level 35 Vanguard, Republic Fleet
Tasia, Level 29 Sith Sorceress, Nar Shadaa
Alia, Level 12 Jedi Shadow, Coruscant
Leanra, Level 3 Imperial Agent, Hutta

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