Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Write Everyday Project #11, Autumn Doldrums

In many ways this is usually a nice time of year around Chicagoland.  The heat of summer has gone, but there's no snow yet.  The best description for the weather is "crisp."  Normally, I prefer this weather to any other.

Except this time, I seem to have gotten sick.

Nothing major, mind you, just a little ache in the back of my throat and my feet are literally (rather than metaphorically) cold.  I'm not even congested, which I usually am when I catch something.  No phlegm either, which is a nice bonus.  Still, what I do have is enough to put me off my mood. Whether it's this or the usual Planning Fallacy, it sure is taking me a lot longer to get things done than I expect.

Bah!  (Humbug reserved for Christmas.)

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