Monday, October 31, 2011

NaNoWriMo '11, Day 0

So I've been assembling a fantasy novel in my head for the last few months.  I'm cannibalizing some of the deep background for various D&D and Warhammer games I've run, tossing in some character work I've done for other games, and using that simplest of storytelling frameworks, The Road Trip.

Hey, it worked for old J.R.R., right?

I'm also going to try and aggressively attend various local events, including seminars and writing sessions at local libraries and community colleges, and a kick-off online writing session at exactly midnight tonight.  As I go, I'll keep some basic notes and an online word count here so I can examine some of the writing process in retrospect.

Check back here from time to time to see how I'm doing!

NaNoWriMo Day 0/30
Word Count: 0 / 0%

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