Monday, October 31, 2011

Write Everyday Project #28, Weekend TV

Though it was a pretty busy weekend for me overall, I still managed to get some TV watching in Friday night and Sunday night, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on what I saw.

Boss - Episode 2 was Friday, and I caught it on the repeat on Starz West after catching the decent but not extraordinary Angelina Jolie action flick Salt.  Boss, episode 2, had a smidge more nudity and the politics was deeper since they weren't fooling around introducing everyone this time.  The trap the Mayor sets for the Governor is well done, and the subplot about Tom's medical condition continues apace.  The details of his relationship with his daughter and wife are delved into as well.  I'm not enthralled by the show, but I'll probably try and catch episode 3 as well, when I get the chance.

Amazing Race XIX - The nineteenth season (they do two a year, with only one the first year, meaning the show's been on for 10 years now) of my favorite reality show chugs on, and while I'm still enjoying it, I'm not as enthused as I used to be.  Partially it's because the show has changed surprisingly little over ten years, and partially because I've been watching Amazing Race: Australia online via YouTube and the two shows get mingled in my head, leading to a certain amount of confusion.  Still, The Amazing Race remains my favorite reality show, if "reality" is the proper word for a competition that involves doing things no regular tourist could ever manage on their own, and I'm glad it's still on the air.

The Next Iron Chef: Super Chefs - They went all out with the casting this year.  I've heard of six out of the ten chefs competing to become an Iron Chef.  That's a huge number, since in previous seasons I'd usually only have heard of one of the chefs, and sometimes not even that.  Mind you, this year that's because they're mining heavily from their own shows for the chefs.  Three of them are Chopped judges (Guarnaschelli, Samuelsson, and m'man Zakarian,) six others from other Food Network and Cooking Network shows like Worst Cooks in America (Irvine, Burrell, MacMillan) and some of the daytime shows on Food and Cooking that I don't watch.    Indeed, there's only one chef on The Next Iron Chef this season who doesn't have her own show, Elizabeth Faulkner, and even she's been a challenger on regular Iron Chef.  So this is like Like Chopped All-Stars taken to an even higher level.  And I'm okay with that.

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