Friday, October 21, 2011

Write Everyday Project #23, "Traitor" Mini-Review

I watched Traitor on DVD last night and it was okay.  Too predictable, though.  I pretty much called every major plot twist, and the one place I hoped they'd surprise me, the ending, they went with a standard Hollywood ending instead.

Still, if you can shut your brain's predictive centers down (which I cannot) you might be able to get a decent night's entertainment out of it.  It tries to make some points about radical Islam, and there's a "He who fights with monsters" subtext that isn't really as well explored as I'd have liked, but at least it tries to make you think which is mroe than I can say for most Hollywood films these days.

In the end, though, while it kept my attention while I was watching it, I can't really endorse buying Traitor on DVD.  See it on Netflix, as I did, or on a movie channel that you're already paying for.  It's worth that much, at least.

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