Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Write Everyday Project #21, Shake N Bake (Cooking III )

It's been months since I last had Shake N Bake chicken.  Finding myself with one packet of the stuff and some frozen chicken pieces, I decided to put it together in lieu of doing something more complicated.  It would also let me finish the box off.  So I did, and after having it for lunch, I've got one question.

Has Shake N Bake always been this greasy?

I mean, seriously, there was like a quarter inch of grease in the bottom of the pan when it finished baking!  Maybe my recent awakening into better cooking has allowed me to finally notice the details of what I've been eating, but man, how can something baked be so greasy?  Much as it tastes good...and it does...I think I'm going to lay off the stuff.  It just doesn't seem healthy.

Besides, there are more chicken recipes that I want to try....

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