Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Write Everyday Project #25, What Dreams May Come

Is there anything more disruptive to your morning than waking up in the middle of a dream?  Okay, yes, getting interrupted by an alien invasion probably would be worse, but we're talking about relatively everyday occurances here.  Sunday morning I woke up in the middle of a truly odd Doctor Who related dream, featuring the tenth and eighth doctors, which was pretty odd since I haven't seen anything but eleventh Doctor shows all this year.  I rarely remember my dreams except when I'm interrupted, and even then the details remain fuzzy.

What gets me about it is how badly it throws me off.  It takes minutes before I'm able to even get out of bed, and hours before I'm feeling fully up to snuff.  Even after food and a shower, I'm still vaguely woozy.  Breaking up that REM is a bad idea!

I do have a recurring dream, of a sort though, that I call the Unfinished Game.  I often wake up feeling like I'm missing a part of a game I'm supposed to be playing.  Sometimes I even make it to my PC before I remember that no, I'm not missing anything.  The odd thing is, that within the dream the rules seem consistent, and when I awake I feel like I should be submitting a turn or preforming some other action, but there is, of course, no real game to play.

It can be a little disconcerting, to tell you the truth.

Still, I sometimes wish that I could remember dreams without having it ruin my morning.  It'd be nice to know what my subconscious is up to in there.

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